Eine etwa 70jährige Frau stützt ihr Kinn auf ihrer linken Hand ab und neigt den Kopf leicht zur rechten Seite. Ihre Haare sind kurz und weißgrau, sie trägt eine hellgrüne Brille und ein rot gemustertes Oberteil unter einem schwarzen langärmligen Oberteil. Der Hintergrund ist verschwommen, die Umrisse einer grünen Pflanze sind zu erkennen.
Photo Nestor Barbitta

Irene Sieben

Irene Sieben, born in Berlin, works as a dance coach, Feldenkrais Practitioner and author for dance and movement research. Trained by Erna Oelmann, Mary Wigman and Manja Chmièl, she danced in the first free avantgarde companies of the 1960s: Gruppe Neuer Tanz Berlin and Motion. This was followed by intensive work with various somato-psychic learning methods: Gindler Work, Ideokinesis, Eutonie, Alexander Technique and SE (Somatic Experiencing). She is a co-founder of and teacher at TanzTangente Berlin (since 1981). Studies in Body-Mind Centering with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in the USA expanded her competence for working with developmental movements of children. As a dance coach she accompanied Silvie Guillem and Fabiàn Barba in their construction of Mary Wigman’s dances as well as Christina Ciupke and Anna Till with their project undo-redo-repeat in questions about the transmission of knowledge in dance.