The image shows the face and upper torso of a white person with short brown curly hair, wearing a red mesh top and large silver hoop earrings. The person is looking directly at the camera with their brown eyes and is smiling. The background is blurry but you can sense that there is a plant behind them.
Photo Anna Chwialkowska

Anna Chwialkowska

Anna Chwialkowska is an anthropologist, dancer and dramaturgist based in Berlin. As a freelancer, she is working as production manager and dramaturgical advisor for Sergiu Matis and Nitsan Margaliot, and is co-leading the Moving Margins project together with Sasha Portyannikova and Nitsan Margaliot. From 2016-2020 she has been working as project coordinator in the Anthropocene Curriculum project at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. She has completed her dance education at the Dance Intensive program at Tanzfabrik Berlin 2021-2022. Her last performative works include A Line Makes Sense (2022), Forschung aktuell (2022) and a spatial dilemma (2023). Her academic studies include a B.A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Spanish and M.A. in Cultural Studies. She is currently pursuing a PhD in dance studies at the Centre for Contemporary Dance in Cologne where she is also working as a research associate.