Kirsten Maar is sitting on the floor and gesticulating with her right hand. She is wearing black trousers, a blue sweater and a black cap. An open notebook lies in front of her. The floor she is sitting on is gray, a whitish-beige wall can be seen in the background and a dark brown wooden beam on the right edge of the picture.
Photo Michiel Keuper

Kirsten Maar

Kirsten Maar, dance and theater scholar and dramaturg, currently teaches as an assistant professor at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her research focuses on choreographic processes in the 20th century, demarcations between visual art, architecture, and choreography, ethics of curating, social choreographies, and gender, ethnicity, class, and identity discourses in transition. Together with Prof. Dr. Gabriele Brandstetter she leads the sub-project Choreographies of Intervention. Formats and Pratices of Decolonization and Ecology in the DFG Collaborative Research Center Intervening Arts; she is Principle Investigatorin the DFG Research Training Group Normativity –Criticism –Change and researches together with Mila Pavicevic on dramaturgies in contemporary dance since 1989 within the framework of a project funded by the Thyssen Foundation.

Publications include: Designs and Structures. William Forsythe’s choreographic works in their architectural relations (2019), Generic Forms. Dynamic Constellations between the Arts (ed. together with F. Ruda and J. Völker, 2017), Assign and Arrange. Methodologies of Presentation in Art and Dance (ed. together with M. Butte, F. McGovern, MF. Rafael, J. Schafaff, Sternberg 2014).