Nitsan Margaliot looks directly into the camera, wearing a black T-shirt, moustache, bald head and a chain with a gold pendant. He is standing in front of a mirror in which the outline of a window is reflected.
Photo Hadas Tapouchi

Nitsan Margaliot

Nitsan Margaliot is a choreographer, dancer, and curator based in Berlin. He finds entanglements in queer archives, fabulation and vulnerable encounters. He holds an MFA in dance from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, and his work has been presented at 14StreetY NYC, Israel Festival, Radialsystem, English Theatre Berlin, LAB Frankfurt, Suzanne Dellal Centre, Kelim Choreography Center, PATHOS Munich and Soundance Festival. In 2020 he initiated, an alter-archive, with Sasha Portyannikova and Anna Chwialkowska. In 2022-23 he co-curated the program Movement Research ACROSS at Galerie Wedding. He is currently in a fellowship between Hellerau and Archiv der Avantgarden. He has danced with the Batsheva Ensemble and Vertigo Dance Company, as well as for Laurent Chetouane, Maud Le Pladec, Kat Valastur, Aoife McAtamney, Moritz Majce, Benjamin Taos Bertrand, Anne Collod, Milla Koistinen and Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop.