a person stands in a blue-green sea, turned away from the observer. the sky above the horizon is a clear spectrum of blue.
Photo stefan pente

jee chan

jee chan is a non-binary artist and choreographer living between Singapore and Berlin. Their ancestors traveled southward by sea from present-day southern China and Malaysia to Singapore during the European colonial incursion throughout the region known today as Southeast Asia. Often emerging from autobiography, chan’s works investigate the potential of the displaced body. As a leitmotif in their work, the sea has evoked themes of migration, memory, grief and transformation to address deep historical violence, particularly through the lens of Southeast Asia. Their artistic language is characterized by hybridity, flux and syncretism, moving across and between performance, film, installation, voice and song. chan graduated from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland on a scholarship. Their current project harbor received the Einzelprojektörderung from the Berlin Senate department for Culture and Europe and premiered at Tanzfabrik Berlin in 2023.