The black and white image shows a bent leg. From the ankle to the knee, the leg is covered with a plaster-like mass. A hand reaches into the plaster-like mass on the knee.
Photo stefan pente

stefan pente

stefan pente (all pronouns, cultured as white, learning) works with performance, installation, painting and video. with her work, he tries to create terrains of de-familiarization, seeing things as they appear and not as what we have learned them to be. abstraction and non-representation are first steps in the process of clearing and confusing their gaze and imagination. stefan pente understands her process as a daily training to purge themself from preconceptions. it is a practice of re-calibration and re-orientation. with a focus on memory — individual as well as collective, inherited as well as self-collected — he delves into the effects of embodied memories on their own physical and emotional body, developing performative as well as sculptural practices of mapping, extraction and containment.