Dance research
Through an open call, the 2021 steering committee invited ten artists to develop their perspectives on the archiving of and in dance.
The research results were presented and discussed at regular meetings. In April 2022, the symposium Sensing the archive/s. Sketching the archive/s concluded this research project. In lectures and discussion rounds, the participants discussed questions of archival practice, of strategies for dance archives and dance archiving, of building and transferring knowledge and of canon and periphery.
In cooperation with the Master’s program in Dance Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, several students also created installations and live performances on the subject of dance and the archive.
Andrea Keiz
From Wigman to Group Motion – a video contribution
Anna Chwialkowska
I danced out all my anger at unknown things and at myself for trying to know them
Christopher Drum
What will remain, what is to come? Reflections on an archive for contemporary dance
FU Berlin seminar
Reflections on a future TanzArchiv Berlin as part of the MA Dance Studies program
Irene Sieben
Ruptures and ‘the forgotten’ in dance between 1945 and 1980
Kirsten Maar
Fictionalizing the Present Past Future. On the Ethics of Different Temporalities in Archiving Dance Histories
Netta Weiser
The Present is Provincial: a Lullaby for a Future Archive
Sasha Portyannikova, Agata Siniarska, Nitsan Margaliot
Moving “Touching Margins”
Teresa Fazan
Strategies of Collecting: Artists’ Online Archives
Antonia Gersch
Tanzarchiv is Present