PODCAST Zeitsprünge – ein Tanzarchiv für Berlin

Dance is a fleeting art. However, it also leaves behind traces, memories and stories. How can we hold on to them, preserve them, pass them on? Who tells stories about whom and whose stories can be found in the Western canon?

The podcast Leaps in time – A dance archive for Berlin (Zeitsprünge – Ein Tanzarchiv für Berlin, in German only) accompanies and portrays the artistic works and conversations that took place as part of the project Archive Accomplices – Dance archives in motion (Archivkompliz*innen – Tanzarchive in Bewegung).

Various actors from the Berlin dance scene have their say, and the participating artists and institutions provide insights into their artistic-discursive and documentary processes.

A production in collaboration with studiodrei.

Supported by Bureau Ritter/ TANZPAKT RECONNECT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative.